“View interpolation for image synthesis” by Chen and Williams

  • ©Shenchang Eric Chen and Lance J. Williams




    View interpolation for image synthesis



    Image-space simplifications have been used to accelerate
    the calculation of computer graphic images since the dawn of
    visual simulation. Texture mapping has been used to provide a
    means by which images may themselves be used as display
    primitives. The work reported by this paper endeavors to carry
    this concept to its logical extreme by using interpolated images to portray three-dimensional scenes. The special-effects
    technique of morphing, which combines interpolation of texture maps and their shape, is applied to computing arbitrary intermediate frames from an array of prestored images. If the images are a structured set of views of a 3D object or scene, intermediate frames derived by morphing can be used to approximate
    intermediate 3D transformations of the object or scene. Using
    the view interpolation approach to synthesize 3D scenes has
    two main advantages. First, the 3D representation of the scene
    may be replaced with images. Second, the image synthesis time
    is independent of the scene complexity. The correspondence
    between images, required for the morphing method, can be predetermined automatically using the range data associated with
    the images. The method is further accelerated by a quadtree decomposition and a view-independent visible priority. Our experiments have shown that the morphing can be performed at
    interactive rates on today’s high-end personal computers. Potential applications of the method include virtual holograms, a
    walkthrough in a virtual environment, image-based primitives
    and incremental rendering. The method also can be used to
    greatly accelerate the computation of motion blur and soft
    shadows cast by area light sources


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