“Using particles to sample and control implicit surfaces” by Witkin and Heckbert

  • ©Andrew P. Witkin and Paul S. Heckbert




    Using particles to sample and control implicit surfaces



    We present a new particle-based approach to sampling and controlling implicit surfaces. A simple constraint locks a set of particles onto a surface while the particles and the surface move. We use the constraint to make surfaces follow particles, and to make particles follow surfaces. We implement control points for direct manipulation by specifying particle motions, then solving for surface motion that maintains the constraint. For sampling and rendering, we run the constraint in the order direction, creating floater particles that roam freely over the surface. Local repulsion is used to make floaters spread evenly across the surface. By varying the radius of repulsion adaptively, and fissioning or killing particles based on the local density, we can achieve good sampling distributions very rapidly, and maintain them even in the face of rapid and extreme deformations and changes in surface topology.


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