“User interface by real and artificial shadow” by Xu, Kanaya, Hiura and Sato

  • ©Huichuan Xu, Ichi Kanaya, Shinsaku Hiura, and Kosuke Sato

  • ©Huichuan Xu, Ichi Kanaya, Shinsaku Hiura, and Kosuke Sato




    User interface by real and artificial shadow



     This poster proposes concept and prototype of an intuitive user interface based on shadow for indoor environment. Shadow is a common phenomenon in our daily life where there is light source. It always exists but we ignored the potential of shadow for connecting digital and physical world. There are several merits of shadow interface: first, shadow is a daily life familiarity and it builds a natural bridge between digital and physical worlds; second, the shadow based interaction system is simple and does not require expensive devices; third, shadow itself is a strong and natural visual feedback cue for the user to take good command of applications.  


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