“Twentieth Century Fox Presents the Visual Effects of “X-Men: Days of Future Past”” by Dubuc, Pecora, Spears and Paschke

  • ©Benoit Dubuc, Lou Pecora, Derek Spears, and Adam Paschke




    Twentieth Century Fox Presents the Visual Effects of “X-Men: Days of Future Past”


Project Affiliation:

    MPC (Moving Picture Company), Digital Domain, Rhythm & Hues, and Rising Sun Pictures


    This year, the ultimate X-Men ensemble were brought together to fight a war for the survival of the species across two time periods. With the visual effects work lead by Production VFX Supervisor Richard Stammers, X-Men Days of Future Past showcased some of the most spectacular effects of the summer. Experts from MPC (Moving Picture Company), Digital Domain, Rhythm & Hues and Rising Sun Pictures will illustrate the approaches used to create a wide range of VFX work, from the creation of the past and future Sentinels, to the epic RFK stadium and White House destruction and the complexities of creating mutant powers for Magneto, Colossus, Iceman, Quicksilver, Sunspot, Blink, Wolverine and Mystique.

Overview Page: