“Transmission: A Telepresence Interface for Neural and Kinetic Interaction” by Gingrich, Renaud, Emets and Xiao

  • ©Oliver M. Gingrich, Alain Renaud, Eugenia Emets, and Zhidong Xiao




    Transmission: A Telepresence Interface for Neural and Kinetic Interaction



    Transmission is both a telepresence performance and a research project. As a real-time visualization tool, Transmission creates alternate representations of neural activity through sound and vision, investigating the effect of interaction on human consciousness. As a sonification project, it creates an immersive experience for two users: a soundscape created by the human mind and the influence of kinetic interaction. An electroencephalographic (EEG) headset interprets a user’s neural activity. An Open Sound Control (OSC) script then translates this data into a real-time particle stream and sound environment at one end. A second user in a remote location modifies this stream in real time through body movement. Together they become a telematic musical interface—communicating through visual and sonic representation of their interactions.


    1. Minsky, Marvin, “Telepresence,” Omni, 45–51 (1980).

    2. Widely regarded as the first example of telepresence art, Roy Ascott’s La Plissure du Texte was first exhibited at the Musée de l’Art de la ville de Paris. La Plissure du Texte, <http://alien.mur.at/rax/ ARTEX/PLISSURE/plissure.html> (Paris, 1983), accessed March 24, 2014. Mixed media.

    3. Sermon, Paul, Telematic Dreaming, <www.paulsermon.org/> (Finland, 1992), accessed February 15, 2014. Mixed media telepresence projection, variable dimensions.

    4. Sermon, Paul, Telematic Séance, <www.paulsermon.org/> (Finland, 1993), accessed February 15, 2014. Mixed media, variable dimensions, telepresence projection.

    5. Sermon, Paul, Telematic Vision, <www.paulsermon.org/> (Karlsruhe, 1994), accessed February 15, 2014. Mixed media, variable dimensions.

    6. Keane, Tina, Couch, <www.luxonline.org.uk/artists/tina_keane/couch.html> (multiple locations, 1998–2003), accessed January 5, 2014. Mixed media, monitors, telepresence environment, and couch. Variable dimensions.

    7. Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael, The Trace, <www.lozano-hemmer.com/the_trace.php> (1995), accessed March 17, 2014. Outdoor projection. In Christiane Paul, Digital Art (London: Thames & Hudson, 2003), 72–77.

    8. Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael, Displaced Emperors (Ars Electronica, Linz, 1998). Outdoor projection. In Christiane Paul, Digital Art (London: Thames & Hudson, 2003), 72–77.

    9. A good example for discourse on virtuality is Ken Goldberg’s Telegarden, displayed at Ars Electronica Center (Linz, 1995–2004), <http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/garden/Ars/>, accessed March 15, 2014.

    10. Hayles, Katherine N., How We Became Posthuman (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1999).

    11. Stelarc, Rotating Brains / Beating Heart, <www.youtube.com/watch?v=m36PRHsX57w>, accessed January 2, 2014. A virtual-reality performance featuring Pauline Oliveros, Stelarc, and the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse (New Adventures in Sound Art SOUNDplay Festival, November 2010, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada).

    12. Stanza, Connecting Cities, <www.stanza.co.uk/data/index.html>, accessed January 1, 2014. Live data visualization projection, Liverpool, 2010.

    13. Duchamp, Marcel, Bicycle Wheel, <www.moma.org/collection/object.php?object_id=81631> (New York, 1913), accessed January 21, 2013. Mixed media, metal wheel mounted on painted wood stool. Dimensions: 129.5 x 63.5 x 41.9 cm.

    14. Lieberman, Zach, et al., Eyewriter interactive read/writing software, <www.eyewriter.org/> (New York, 2010), accessed February 12, 2014.

    15. rAndom International, Rain Room, <http://random-international.com/work/rainroom/> (Barbican, London, 2012), accessed February 16, 2014. Water, injection-moulded tiles, solenoid valves, pressure regulators, custom software, 3D tracking cameras, steel beams, water management system, grated floor. 100 sq m.

    16. Paul, Christiane, Digital Art (London: Thames & Hudson, 2003) 67.

    17. Oliveros, Pauline, Deep Listening, <http://deeplistening.org/site/content/pauline-oliveros> (2009), accessed December 21, 2013.

    18. Lucier, Alvin, Music for a Solo Performer, live performance, Brandeis University, 1965.

    19. Teitelbaum, Richard, Spacecraft, <www.alvincurran.com/writings/mev.html> (New York, 1967), accessed March 21, 2014. EEG-triggered live musical performance.

    20. Rosenboom, David, Biofeedback and the Arts: Results of Early Experiments (Vancouver: Aesthetic Research Centre of Canada, 1974).

    21. Miranda, Eduardo, Thinking Music (Plymouth, UK: University of Plymouth Press, 2014).

    22. Brouse, Andrew, Biomusic (Montréal: Society for Arts and Technology, 2007).

    23. Abramovic, Marina, The Magic of Mutual Gaze, <www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut9oPo8sLJw> (New York, 2011), accessed February 21, 2014.

    24. Cathode, Neam, Cyber Mondrian (Oboro Gallery, Montréal, 2001). EEG Performance.

    25. Mori, Mariko, Wave UFO <www.deitch.com/artists/sub.php?artistId=15> (New York, 2003), accessed March 1, 2014.

    26. Park, Lisa, Euonia <www.thelisapark.com/> (2013), accessed March 22, 2013.

    27. Thompson, Jeffrey D., “Methods for Stimulation of Brainwave Function Using Sound,” <www. neuroacoustic.com/methods.html> (1990), accessed March 13, 2014.

    28. Renaud, Alain, “Dynamic Cues for Network Music Interactions,” Proceedings of the SMC Conference 2010, <http://smcnetwork.org/resources/smc2010>, accessed March 20, 2014.

    29. Lombard, Matthew, and Theresa Ditton, “At the Heart of It All: The Concept of Presence,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 3, 1083–6101 (1997).

    30. Witmer, Bob, and Michael Singer, “Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Presence Questionnaire,” Presence Vol. 7, No. 3, 225–240 (June 1998).

    31. Sadowski, Wallace, and Kay Stanney, Measuring and Managing Presence in Virtual Environments (Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida, 2002), <http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~gogo/courses/imgd5100/ papers/Sadowski_HVE_2002.html>, accessed March 20, 2014.

    32. Sheridan, Thomas, “Musings on Telepresence and Virtual Presence,” Presence Vol. 1, No. 1, 120–126 (1992).

    33. Freeman, Jonathan, “Implications for the Measurement of Presence from Convergent Evidence on the Structure of Presence,” paper presented to the Information Systems Division at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (New Orleans, LA, 2004). In Campanella Bracken, Cheryl, and Paul Skalski, “Telepresence and Video Games: The Impact of Image Quality,” PsychNology Journal Vol. 7, No. 1, 101–112 (2009).

    34. Barfield, Woodrow, and Suzanne Weghorst, “The Sense of Presence Within Virtual Environments: A Conceptual Framework,” Human-Computer Interaction: Software and Hardware Interfaces Vol B, 699–704 (1993).

    35. Prothero, J.D., and H.G. Hoffman, “Widening the Field-of-View Increases the Sense of Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments,” Human-Computer Interaction: HCI Intelligent Multimodal Interaction Environments, Vol. 4552, 393–400 (2007).

    36. Hoffman, H.G., et al., “Virtual Chess: The Role of Meaning in the Sensation of Presence,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Vol. 10, 251–263 (1998).

    37. Barfield, Woodrow, and Claudia M. Hendrix, “The Effect of Update Rate on the Sense of Presence within Virtual Environments,” Virtual Reality: The Journal of the Virtual Reality Society Vol. 1, No. 1, 3–16 (1995).

    38. Oculus Rift, <www.oculusrift.com>, accessed March 21, 2014.

    39. International Society for Presence Research, “The Concept of Presence: Explication Statement,” <http://ispr.info> (2000), accessed February 15, 2014.

    40. Oxford English Dictionary, <www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/interactive>, accessed January 4, 2014.

    41. Lombard, Matthew, and Theresa Ditton, “At the Heart of It All: The Concept of Presence,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Vol. 3, 1083–6101 (1997).

    42. Liu, Yuping, and Shrum, L.J., “What Is Interactivity and Is It Always Such a Good Thing? Implications of Definition, Person, and Situation for the Influence of Interactivity on Advertising Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising Vol. 4, 53–64 (2002).

    43. Witmer, Bob, and Michael Singer, “Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Presence Questionnaire,” Presence Vol. 7, No. 3, 225–240 (June 1998).

    44. Emotiv EEG device, <www.emotiv.com>, accessed March 20, 2014.

    45. Zhidong, Xiao, Motion Capture Based Motion Analysis and Motion Synthesis for Human-like Character Animation (Bournemouth University, 2009).

    46. Human Connectome Project, <www.humanconnectomeproject.org>, accessed February 21, 2014.

    47. Human Brain Project, <www.humanbrainproject.eu>, accessed February 15, 2014.

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