“Translation + Pendaphonics = Movement Modulated Media” by Lahey, Burleson and Streb

  • ©Byron Lahey, Winslow Burleson, and Elizabeth Streb




    Translation + Pendaphonics = Movement Modulated Media



    Translation is a multimedia dance performed on a vertical wall filled with the projected image of a lunar surface. Pendaphonics is a low-cost, versatile, and robust motion-sensing hardware-software system integrated with the rigging of Translation to detect the dancers’ motion and provide real-time control of the virtual moonscape. Replacing remotely triggered manual cues with high-resolution, real-time control by the performers expands the expressive range and ensures synchronization of feedback with the performers’ movements. This project is the first application of an ongoing collaboration between the Motivational Environments Research Group at Arizona State University (ASU) and STREB Extreme Action Company.


    1. F.A.R. @ ASU: Future Arts Research at Arizona State University, futureartsresearch.asu.edu/, accessed March 21, 2012.

    2. A. Skriver Hansen, Pendaphonics installation at Platform4, 2008, www.platformart.net/ pendaphonics_demo.htm, accessed March 21, 2012.

    3. A. Schmeder, A Portable Pendaphonics Rig, cnmat.berkeley.edu/user/andy_schmeder/blog/2009/0 /31/portable_pendaphonics_rig, accessed March 21, 2012.

    4. D. Overholt, et al., Pendaphonics, art installation at the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 2009.

    5. A. Skriver Hansen, et al., “Pendaphonics: A Tangible Pendulum-based Sonic Interaction Experience,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (New York: ACM, 2009) 153–160.

    6. A. Freed, et al., “Musical Applications and Design Techniques for the Gametrak Tethered Spatial Position Controller,” Proceedings of the 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Porto, Portugal, 23-25 (2009).

    7. Gametrak, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gametrak, accessed January 7, 2012.

    8. Cycling 74, cycling74.com, accessed January 7, 2012.

    9. OpenFrameworks, www.openframeworks.cc/, accessed January 7, 2012.

    10. E. Streb, Streb: How to Become an Extreme Action Hero (New York: The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010) 83.

    11. CUNYMedia, “Streb: How to Become an Extreme Action Hero,” 2010, www.youtube.com/ watch?v=pOAHYF-WtBM, accessed March 21, 2012.

    12. R.E. Kaufman, “A Family of New Ergonomic Harness Mechanisms for Full-Body Natural Constrained Motions in Virtual Environments,” 3D User Interfaces, 2007, 10–11 (2007).

    13. F. Yang & Y. Pai, “Automatic Recognition of Falls in Gait-slip Training: Harness Load Cell Based Criteria,” Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 44, No. 12, 2243–2249 (2011).

    14. C. Davies & J. Harrison, “Osmose: Towards Broadening the Aesthetics of Virtual Reality,” ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Vol. 30, No. 4, 25-28 (1996).

    15. Motion tracking, 3D scanning, and eye tracking solutions from Polhemus, www.polhemus.com, accessed March 15, 2012.

    16. Motivational Environments, STREB BRAVE, video-recorded conversation between Elizabeth Streb and Winslow Burleson, 2009, vimeo.com/17161251, accessed March 21, 2012.

    17. E. Streb, excerpt from Dancers Defy Gravity, KJZZ 91.5 FM, November 7, 2009.

    18. Wii, www.nintendo.com/wii, accessed January 10, 2012.

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