“The simulation of fluid-rigid body interaction” by Takahashi, Ueki, Kunimatsu and Fujii

  • ©Tsunemi Takahashi, Heihachi Ueki, Atsushi Kunimatsu, and Hiroko Fujii



Interest Area:



    The simulation of fluid-rigid body interaction

Session/Category Title:   Physical Simulation



    This sketch describes the modeling of the interaction between fluid and rigid bodies, how to simulate scenes in which fluid pressure acts on a rigid body, and conversely, in which rigid body motion drives a force back to fluid. We construct the interface between fluid simulation using the Cubic Interpolated Propagation (CIP) method and rigid body simulation using the impulse-based method. For fast simulation, we apply the CIP method to uniform structured meshes. For treating the interaction between rigid bodies and fluid efficiently, we use Volume of Solid (VOS) for rigid bodies, and for the collision among rigid bodies, we use Polygon-Polygon collision detection. For fast response to rigid body’s collision, we use smaller time step for rigid body than for fluid.


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