“The Island Metaphor” by Tomlinson, Baumer and Yau

  • ©Bill Tomlinson, Eric Baumer, and Man Lok Yau




    The Island Metaphor



    This paper presents an “Island Metaphor” for interactions with systems of heterogeneous computational devices employing mobile agents. In this metaphor, stationary computers represent islands of virtual spaces, and mobile devices represent virtual rafts that allow agents to move through a sea of real space. The Island Metaphor provides several benefits over existing computational metaphors, and may be relevant to applications in education, entertainment, and social technologies.


    1. Tomlinson, B., Yau, M. L. and Baumer, E., 2006. Embodied Mobile Agents, In Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems.
    2. Tomlinson, B., Yau, M. L., Baumer, E., Goetz, S., Carpenter, L., Pratt, R., Young, K. and May-Tobin, C., 2006. The EcoRaft project: a multi-device interactive graphical exhibit for learning about restoration ecology, In CHI ’06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, ACM Press, 1445–1450.
    3. Tomlinson, B., Yau, M. L., O’Connell, J., Williams, K. and Yamaoka, S. 2005, The Virtual Raft Project: A Mobile Interface for Interacting with Communities of Autonomous Characters CHI ’05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, ACM Press, Portland, OR, USA.

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