“The Future is Here: Augmented and Virtual Reality” by Feiner, Fuchs, Luckey, Ellsworth and Marks

  • ©Steven K. Feiner, Henry Fuchs, Palmer Luckey, Jeri Ellsworth, and Richard Marks



Entry Number: 02


    The Future is Here: Augmented and Virtual Reality




    Although augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) has existed in research labs and some niche markets for decades, only recently has it started to gain acceptance for consumers due to technical advances, low costs, easy-to-use software, and more compelling experiences. Is this just another passing fad that will move back to the laboratory or is it here to stay? Will consumer AR/VR move beyond gaming to cover a wide range of digital media? Or is consumer AR/VR only appropriate for a small subset of entertainment and consumer applications? This panel of AR/VR pioneers will debate the trade-offs of different technologies, discuss important aspects of the end-user experience, describe the challenges of bringing these technologies to the consumer market, and predict the future of these new realities. Specific topics to be discussed include: – The major differences between virtual reality and augmented reality – The most important factors for creating compelling experiences – How AR/VR for the masses is different than AR/VR for research – Trade-offs in system design – The role of consumer AR/VR beyond entertainment The panel will begin with each speaker providing short (5 minutes or less) position statements of what they believe are the most important aspects of AR/VR and current challenges. Panelists will speak in detail about their area of expertise rather than to provide general thoughts that other panelists and audience likely already agree on. The moderator will then start a discussion, followed by questions from the audience.

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