“The Ethical and Privacy Implications of Mixed Reality” Moderated by
Entry Number: 02
- The Ethical and Privacy Implications of Mixed Reality
The spatial computing affordances of virtual and augmented reality introduce new ethical and privacy dilemmas. This panel will explore the many implications of biometric data (eye tracking, facial tracking, gait detection, emotional sentiment analysis, galvanic skin response, EEG, EMG, and ECG) to contextually-aware computing that can scan and identify your immediate surroundings. There are many unknown ethical thresholds with immersive computing, and this panel will discuss our own moral intuitions on the topic while inviting the audience to share their own questions and insights for how to navigate this landscape.
- 2018. Oculus Privacy Policy. https://www.oculus.com/legal/privacy-policy/ Jeremy Bailenson. 2018. Protecting Nonverbal Data Tracked in Virtual Reality. JAMA pediatrics 172, 10 (2018), 905–906.
- Katheryn R Christy and Jesse Fox. 2014. Leaderboards in a virtual classroom: A test of stereotype threat and social comparison explanations for women’s math performance. Computers & Education 78 (2014), 66–77.
- Martin Dechant, Sabine Trimpl, Christian Wolff, Andreas Mühlberger, and Youssef Shiban. 2017. Potential of virtual reality as a diagnostic tool for social anxiety: a pilot study. Computers in Human Behavior 76 (2017), 128–134.
- Jesse Fox, Jeremy N Bailenson, and Liz Tricase. 2013. The embodiment of sexualized virtual selves: The Proteus effect and experiences of self-objectification via avatars. Computers in Human Behavior 29, 3 (2013), 930–938.
- Hal E Hershfield, Daniel G Goldstein, William F Sharpe, Jesse Fox, Leo Yeykelis, Laura L Carstensen, and Jeremy N Bailenson. 2011. Increasing saving behavior through age-progressed renderings of the future self. Journal of Marketing Research 48, SPL (2011), S23–S37.
- David Howett, Andrea Castegnaro, Katarzyna Krzywicka, Johanna Hagman, Richard N Henson, Miguel Rio, John King, Neil Burgess, and Dennis Chan. 2018. Differentiation of mild cognitive impairment using an entorhinal cortex-based test of VR navigation. bioRxiv (2018), 495796.
- Laura Loucks, Carly Yasinski, Seth D Norrholm, Jessica Maples-Keller, Loren Post, Liza Zwiebach, Devika Fiorillo, Megan Goodlin, Tanja Jovanovic, Albert A Rizzo, et al. 2019. You can do that?!: Feasibility of virtual reality exposure therapy in the treatment of PTSD due to military sexual trauma. Journal of anxiety disorders 61 (2019), 55–63.
- Patrice Renaud, Joanne L Rouleau, Luc Granger, Ian Barsetti, and Stéphane Bouchard. 2002. Measuring sexual preferences in virtual reality: A pilot study. CyberPsychology & Behavior 5, 1 (2002), 1–9