“The development of a functional visualization system for the creation of digital human models” by Miller, Wang and Jenkins

  • ©John Jay Miller, Weidong Wang, and Gavin Jenkins



Interest Area:



    The development of a functional visualization system for the creation of digital human models

Session/Category Title:   Visualizing Humans



    Inadequately or poorly designed environments and tools of daily living impose barriers to people with a disability. This issue needs to be addressed in order for people with disabilities to lead full and purposeful lives. To accomplish this goal it is imperative that designers of environments and artifacts have an in-depth knowledge of human functioning in the performance of tasks and problem-solving strategies to develop environments and products that best accommodate performance of these tasks. They require an understanding and useful characterizations of the abilities of people with disabilities and relevant mechanisms to incorporate this into a modern design process.


    1. Miller, John J and Wang Weidong. 2001. Application of Computer Visualization Techniques for the Use of Anthropometric Data in the Design Process, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design, ASEAN Academic Press LTD, England UK
    2. Miller, John J, Wang, W., Jenkins G. 2000a The Development of Computer-based Representations of Anthropometric and Biomechanical Data for Use in Environmental and Product Design, Poster at Infodesign 2000, Coventry England
    3. Miller, John J, Wang, W., Jenkins G. 2000b The Anthropometric Measurement and Modeling Project, In Proceedings of ACADIA2000, Washington DC

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