“The Art of Understanding: Or, A Primer on Why We Study History” by Prince

  • ©Patric D. Prince




    The Art of Understanding: Or, A Primer on Why We Study History



    Why did a substantial number of submissions to the SIGGRAPH 2003 Art Gallery demonstrate a lack of knowledge of the history of digital art? There is an art to understanding creative invention that involves information as well as experience and personal preference.


    1. Dietrich, frank. Visual intelligence; The first decade of computer art (1965-75). Leonardo, 19(2), 1986, 159-169.

    2. Brown, Paul. Personal communication to the author, August, 2002. See a discussion of this in www.paulbrown.com/WORDS/EMCULT.HTM, Emergent Culture. Experimental media arts. Games Theory, 12 MESH.

    3. Prince, Patric. Computer aesthetics, ACM/SIGGRAPH 86 Art Show Catalog, 1986, 41.

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