“Tetrad volume and particle rendering in X2” by LaBarge, Tessendorf and Gaddipati

  • ©Bill LaBarge, Jerry Tessendorf, and Vijoy Gaddipati




    Tetrad volume and particle rendering in X2

Session/Category Title:   Production Rendering



    lnthe”X-Men2,” the atmospheric character of the Cerebro was built and animated using volume rendering of tetrahedrons, producing detail and texture not normally achievable in volume rendering.


    1. Alan Kapler and Lucio Flores, “Evolution of a VFX Voxel Tool”, Sketches and Applications, Siggraph 2002.
    2. Gokhan Kisacikoglu, “The Making of Black-Hole and Nebula Clouds for the Motion Picture “Sphere” with Volumetric Rendering and the F-Rep of Solids”, Sketches and Applications, Siggraph 98.
    3. Jerry Tessendorf, “Efficiently Rendering Gobs and Gobs of Particles”, unpublished notes, May, 2002 (included in the proceedings cd-rom).

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