“Tangible user interface for supporting disaster education” by Kobayashi, Kakizaki, Narita, Hirano and Kase

  • ©Kazue Kobayashi, Tatsuhito Kakizaki, Atsunobu Narita, Mitsunori Hirano, and Ichiro Kase

  • ©Kazue Kobayashi, Tatsuhito Kakizaki, Atsunobu Narita, Mitsunori Hirano, and Ichiro Kase




    Tangible user interface for supporting disaster education



    We introduce an interactive disaster simulation system for disaster education. This system incorporates a tabletop tangible user interface [Ishii and Ullmer 1997] and a digital pen input to provide a wide range of users with a collaborative and easy-to-use learning environment. Users can manipulate the map data to learn more about their towns. Likewise, through natural interaction with the physical tools on the table, users can explore disaster evacuation scenarios based on simulation.


    1. Anoto. http://www.anoto.com/.
    2. Haller, M., Leithinger, D., Leitner, J., Seifried, T., Brandl, P., Zauner, J., and Billinghurst, M. The shared design space. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, E-Tech.
    3. Ishii, H., and Ullmer, B. 1997. Tangible bits: Towards seamless interfaces between people bits and atoms. In Proceedings of CHI.
    4. Katada, T. 2000. Development of practical scenario simulator for dissemination of disaster information. Journal of Civil Engineering Information Processing System.

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©Kazue Kobayashi, Tatsuhito Kakizaki, Atsunobu Narita, Mitsunori Hirano, and Ichiro Kase ©Kazue Kobayashi, Tatsuhito Kakizaki, Atsunobu Narita, Mitsunori Hirano, and Ichiro Kase

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