“Taming the Beast: Fur on an Abominable Snowman” by Riesberg, Warren and Somasundaram

  • ©Damon Riesberg, Eric Warren, and Arunachalam Somasundaram

  • ©Damon Riesberg, Eric Warren, and Arunachalam Somasundaram



Entry Number: 35


    Taming the Beast: Fur on an Abominable Snowman



    Everest from Abominable is a main character with fur, he doesn’t talk, and is in over 650 shots. His huge size, abundance of fur, the fur’s emotional response, wide range of biped, quadraped and rolling motions, magical abilities, along with interactive characters, windy environments, and stylized shapes created by Animators, produced numerous challenges to his fur grooming and motion. This talk presents the various techniques used to tame those challenges encountered on that fantastic fluffy snow-white fur-covered beast.


    Galen Gornowicz and Silviu Borac. 2015. Efficient and Stable Approach to Elasticity and Collisions for Hair Animation. In Proceedings of the 2015 Symposium on Digital Production (DigiPro ’15). ACM, 41–49. https://doi.org/10.1145/2791261.2791271

    Arunachalam Somasundaram. 2017. FurCollide: Fast, Robust, and Controllable Fur Collisions with Meshes. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talks. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 55, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3084363.3085051



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