“Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality: the design and implementation of the CAVE” by Cruz-Neira, Sandin and DeFanti

  • ©Carolina Cruz-Neira, Daniel (Dan) J. Sandin, and Thomas (Tom) A. DeFanti




    Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality: the design and implementation of the CAVE



    This paper describes the CAVE (CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality/scientific visualization system in detail and demonstrates that projection technology applied to virtual-reality goals achieves a system that matches the quality of workstation screens in terms of resolution, color, and flicker-free stereo. In addition, this format helps reduce the effect of common tracking and system latency errors. The off-axis perspective projection techniques we use are shown to be simple and straightforward. Our techniques for doing multi-screen stereo vision are enumerated, and design barriers, past and current, are described. Advantages and disadvantages of the projection paradigm are discussed, with an analysis of the effect of tracking noise and delay on the user. Successive refinement, a necessary tool for scientific visualization, is developed in the virtual reality context. The use of the CAVE as a one-to-many presentation device at SIGGRAPH ’92 and Supercomputing ’92 for computational science data is also mentioned.


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