“Subjective assessment of luminance compensation for projected images” by Sato, Sembon, Hashimoto and Kasuga

  • ©Mie Sato, Makiko Sembon, Naoki Hashimoto, and Masao Kasuga




    Subjective assessment of luminance compensation for projected images



    This research focuses on the subjective assessment of luminance compensation for projected images on a non-uniform reflective screen. Recently, image projection on a large screen that includes an interior or exterior wall has been attracting a great deal of attention. However, this type of projection requires proper luminance compensation [Grundhofer and Bimber 2006]. It is difficult to compensate the luminance perfectly because of the hardware limitations of the projector. To obtain better results for the luminance compensation, with a large variety of non-uniform reflective screens and projected images, we examine how viewers feel about compensated images and how far the viewers can accept those images. The results of the subjective assessment show that the viewer-based limitation of the luminance compensation is not necessarily the same as the hardware limitations of the projector and this limitation cannot be found with only objective measurements.


    1. Grundhofer, A., and Bimber, O. 2006. Real-time adaptive radiometric compensation. SIGGRAPH 2006, Research Posters.
    2. Hashimoto, N., Sato, M., Takahashi, Y., Kasuga, M., and Sato, M. 2006. Luminance correction with raw digital images. SIGGRAPH 2006, Research Posters.

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