“Structure-aware halftoning” by Pang, Qu, Wong, Cohen-Or and Heng

  • ©Wai-Man Pang, Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Pheng-Ann Heng




    Structure-aware halftoning



    This paper presents an optimization-based halftoning technique that preserves the structure and tone similarities between the original and the halftone images. By optimizing an objective function consisting of both the structure and the tone metrics, the generated halftone images preserve visually sensitive texture details as well as the local tone. It possesses the blue-noise property and does not introduce annoying patterns. Unlike the existing edge-enhancement halftoning, the proposed method does not suffer from the deficiencies of edge detector. Our method is tested on various types of images. In multiple experiments and the user study, our method consistently obtains the best scores among all tested methods.


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