“Stream-guided smoke simulations” by Sato, Dobashi and Kim

  • ©Syuhei Sato, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Theodore Kim




    Stream-guided smoke simulations



    High-resolution fluid simulations are computationally expensive, so many post-processing methods have been proposed to add turbulent details to low-resolution flows. Guiding methods are one promising approach for adding naturalistic, detailed motions as a post-process, but can be inefficient. Thus, we propose a novel, efficient method that formulates fluid guidance as a minimization problem in stream function space. Input flows are first converted into stream functions, and a high resolution flow is then computed via optimization. The resulting problem sizes are much smaller than previous approaches, resulting in faster computation times. Additionally, our method does not require an expensive pressure projection, but still preserves mass. The method is both easy to implement and easy to control, as the user can control the degree of guiding with a single, intuitive parameter. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method across various examples.


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