“Spinning the Conductive Threads of an Indigenous Tradition. Toward a Continuity Between the Traditional Andean Fabric and the New Electronic Technologies” by Montero and De Berduccy

  • ©Valentina Montero and Sandra De Berduccy




    Spinning the Conductive Threads of an Indigenous Tradition. Toward a Continuity Between the Traditional Andean Fabric and the New Electronic Technologies



    Over the last decades, there has been an unusual global interest in vindicating the knowledge and practices of indigenous communities. In Latin America one can see this particularly in numerous demands regarding anti-colonial politics, history, anthropology, and aesthetics. Based on interviews and analyses of a selection of aruma-Sandra De Berduccy’s artworks, this paper explores aesthetic, material, and conceptual aspects of her work, focusing on her use of the Andean loom as a highly complex technological and social compound. It further puts her art in dialogue with nature and media archaeological debates, suggesting that her work invites us to explore a different path for media art outside hegemonic scientific and technological paradigms.


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