“Spacetime constraints revisited” by Ngo and Marks

  • ©J. Thomas Ngo and Joe Marks




    Spacetime constraints revisited



    The Spacetime Constraints (SC) paradigm, whereby the animator
    specifies what an animated figure should do but not how to do it, is
    a very appealing approach to animation. However, the algorithms
    available for realizing the SC approach are limited. Current techniques are local in nature: they all use some kind of perturbational
    analysis to refine an initial trajectory. We propose a global search
    algorithm that is capable of generating multiple novel trajectories
    for SC problems from scratch. The key elements of our search
    strategy are a method for encoding trajectories as behaviors, and a
    genetic search algorithm for choosing behavior parameters that is
    currently implemented on a massively parallel computer. We describe the algorithm and show computed solutions to SC problems
    for 2D articulated figures.


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