“Sound rendering” by Takala and Hahn

  • ©Tapio Takala and James K. Hahn




    Sound rendering



    No abstract available.


    1. Barzel, R, A.Barr. Modeling with Dynamic Constraints. Prec. SIGGRAPH’88, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.22, No.3, pp.178-188.]]
    2. Blattner, Meera, D.Sumikawa, R.Greenberg. Earcons and Icons: Their Structure and Common Design Principles. Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.4, No.I, 1989, pp.ll-44. Also reprinted in” E.Glinert (ed.), Visual Programming Environments- Applications and Issues, IEEE Computer Society Press 1990, pp.582-606.]]
    3. Cook, Robert. Shade Trees. Prec. SIGGRAPH’84, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No.3, pp.195- 206.]]
    4. Feibush, E.A., M.Levoy, R.Cook. Synthetic Texturing Using Digital Filters. Proc. SIGGRAPH’80, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.14, No.3, pp.294-301.]]
    5. Foster, S, E.Wenzel. Virtual Acoustic Environments: TheConvolvotron. {multimedia installation} SIGGRAPH’91 Virtual reality and hypermedia show (August 1991).]]
    6. Gaver, William. The SonicFinder: An Interface That Uses Auditory Icons. Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.4, No.I, 1989, pp.67-94. Also reprinted in: E.Glinert (ed.), Visual Programming Environments- Applications and Issues, IEEE Computer Society Press 1990, pp.561-58 I.]]
    7. Hahn, James. Realistic Animation of Rigid Bodies. Proc. SIGGRAPH’88, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.22, No.3, pp.299-308]]
    8. He, Xiao, K.Torrance, F.Sillion, D.Greenberg. A Comprehensive Physical Model for Light Reflection. Proc. SIGGRAPH’91, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.25, No.3, pp. 175-186.]]
    9. Lytle, Wayne. More Bells and Whistles. {video} in SIGGRAPH’90 film show. Also described in Computer, Vol.24, No.7, July 1991, p.4 and cover.]]
    10. NCSA Visualization Group and CERL Sound Group. Using Sound to Extract Meaning from Complex Data. {video} SIGGRAPH’91 Screening Room, Visualization & Technical series (August 1991).]]
    11. Pentland, Alex, J.Williams. Good Vibrations: Modal Dynamics for Graphics and Animation. Proc. SIGGRAPH’89, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.23, No.3, pp.215-222.]]
    12. Perlin, K. An Image Synthesizer. Proc. SIGGRAPH’85, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol. 19, No.3, pp.287-296.]]
    13. Sillion, Franqois., J.Arvo, S.Westin, D.Greenberg. A Global Illumination Solution for General Reflectance Distributions. Proc. SIGGRAPH’91, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.25, No.3, pp. 187-196.]]
    14. Smith, J.W. Vibration of Structures – Applications in Civil Engineering Design. Chapman & Hall 1988]]
    15. Stettner, Adam, D.Greenberg. Computer Graphics Visualization for Acoustic Simulation. Proc. SIGGRAPH’89, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 195-206.]]
    16. Terzopoulos, Dimitri, J.Platt, A.Barr, K.Fleischer. Elastically Deformable Models. Proc. SIGGRAPH’87, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.21, No.3, pp.205- 214.]]
    17. Thomas, Frank, O.Johnston. Disney Animation – The Illusion of Life, chapter 11. Abbeville Press 1981.]]
    18. Upstill, Steve. The RenderMan Companion. Pixar/Addison-Wesley, 1989.]]
    19. Voss, Richard and J.Clarke. “l/f noise” in Music: Music from 1/f Noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63 (I), January 1978, pp.258-263.]]
    20. Voss, Richard. Fractals in Nature: Characterization, Measurement, and Simulation. SIGGRAPH’87 Course Notes.]]
    21. Wightman, Frederick, D.Kistler. Headphone Simulation of Free-Field Listening. I” Stimulus Synthesis. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85 (2), February 1989, pp.858-867.]]
    22. Wyshynski Susan, The Vivid Group. The Mandala VR System. {multimedia installation} in SIGGRAPH’91 virtual reality and hyl~rmedia show (August 1991).]]

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