“Simple Projection-Type Integral Photography System Using Single Projector and Fly’s Eye Lens” by Yanaka

  • ©Kazuhisa Yanaka

  • ©Kazuhisa Yanaka

  • ©Kazuhisa Yanaka



Entry Number: 91


    Simple Projection-Type Integral Photography System Using Single Projector and Fly’s Eye Lens



    Integral photography (IP) is one of the best stereoscopic display systems because horizontal as well as vertical parallax can be obtained without the need to wear 3D glasses. A simple IP system consists of a flat panel display (FPD), such as a liquid crystal display (LCD), with a fly’s eye lens on it. The FPD is usually placed on or near the focal plane of the fly’s eye lens. In this case, the size of a display is similar to the size of the FPD. However, in some cases, a large screen is preferred to obtain a better sense of reality. In these cases, a projection-type 3D display [Okoshi 1976] is highly necessary. Most display systems are very sophisticated and thus very expensive even in instances where only horizontal parallax is obtained. This condition is mainly attributed to the fact that a large number of projectors, each of which corresponds to a view, have to be used. Our motivation for this study is to provide a simple and inexpensive projection-type integral photography system in which only one projector is used.


    1. Okoshi, T. 1976. Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques, Academic Press, New York.
    2. Yanaka, K. 2008. Integral photography using hexagonal fly’s eye lens and fractional view, Proc. SPIE 6803, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX, 68031K, pp. 1–8.
    3. Yanaka, K., Kimura, S. 2013. GPU Accelerated Interactive Integral Photography System Using Extended Fractional View Method, SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters.

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©Kazuhisa Yanaka ©Kazuhisa Yanaka


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