“Silhouette Sketching on “Inside Out”” by Fleischer, Isaacs, Parker, Haux, Shen, et al. …

  • ©Kurt Fleischer, Paul Isaacs, Bret Parker, Bernhard Haux, Sarah Shen, Venkateswaran Krishna, Chen Shen, Andrew Butts, Jayson Price, Tom Hahn, Heegun Lee, and David Yu

  • ©Kurt Fleischer, Paul Isaacs, Bret Parker, Bernhard Haux, Sarah Shen, Venkateswaran Krishna, Chen Shen, Andrew Butts, Jayson Price, Tom Hahn, Heegun Lee, and David Yu


    In hand-drawn 2D animation, artists have direct control over the image. Silhouette lines are drawn with a specific intent, e.g. an elbow might be drawn as a curve, or with a sharp angle. By contrast, in 3D animation, direct silhouette control is often lost. Animators pose a 3D model with an abstract control like “elbow bend” and the resulting silhouette is whatever the character rigging provides.

    Our goal was to create a tool to enable our animators to be able to sculpt the silhouettes quickly, in context, without requiring special expertise or assistance from riggers and modelers.

    During “Inside Out” this new sketch-based tool saw heavy use for modifying silhouettes of hero character’s faces and bodies as well as for fine-tuning cloth simulation results.


    Bénard, P., Cole, F., Kass, M., Mordatch, I., Hegarty, J., Senn, M. S., Fleischer, K., Pesare, D., and Breeden, K. 2013. Stylizing animation by example. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 4 (July), 119:1–119:12.
    Zimmermann, J., Nealen, A., and Alexa, M. 2007. Silsketch: Automated sketch-based editing of surface meshes. In Proc of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling, ACM, SBIM ’07, 23–30.


    Our Disney colleagues Rasmus Tamstorf, Keith Wilson, Maryann Simmons provided valuable insight on per-shot deformations. Thanks to SilSketch author Mark Alexa for helpful discussions. We appreciate the contributions of Pixar colleagues Florian Sauer, Yoshi Seaver, Adam Woodbury, Dirk van Gelder, Victor Navone, Kevin O’Hara, Burton Siu, Edwin Chang, Sajan Skaria and Richard Yoshioka.


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