“Shape representation by zippables” by Schüller, Poranne and Sorkine-Hornung

  • ©Christian Schüller, Roi Poranne, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung



Entry Number: 78


    Shape representation by zippables

Session/Category Title:   Cutting, Zipping and Folding Surfaces




    Fabrication from developable parts is the basis for arts such as papercraft and needlework, as well as modern architecture and CAD in general, and it has inspired much research. We observe that the assembly of complex 3D shapes created by existing methods often requires first fabricating many small parts and then carefully following instructions to assemble them together. Despite its significance, this error prone and tedious process is generally neglected in the discussion. We present the concept of zippables – single, two dimensional, branching, ribbon-like pieces of fabric that can be quickly zipped up without any instructions to form 3D objects. Our inspiration comes from the so-called zipit bags [zipit 2017], which are made of a single, long ribbon with a zipper around its boundary. In order to “assemble” the bag, one simply needs to zip up the ribbon. Our method operates in the same fashion, but it can be used to approximate a wide variety of shapes. Given a 3D model, our algorithm produces plans for a single 2D shape that can be laser cut in few parts from fabric or paper. A zipper can then be attached along the boundary by sewing, or by gluing using a custom-built fastening rig. We show physical and virtual results that demonstrate the capabilities of our method and the ease with which shapes can be assembled.


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