“Scattering” by Narasimhan, Donner, Jarosz and Gutierrez
Entry Number: 21
- Scattering
Most of current computer-generated imagery represents scenes with clear atmospheres, neglecting light scattering effects, and most computer-vision systems have not enjoyed success when deployed in uncontrolled outdoor environments. Nevertheless, scattering is a fundamental aspect of light transport in a wide range of applications, whether simulating it or interpreting it, from medical imaging to driving simulators or underwater imagery. This course addresses the challenges that arise with light scattering in computer graphics and computer vision. Topics include: appearance modeling, underwater imagery, vision in bad weather, and measurement techniques.
Most of current computer-generated imagery represents scenes with clear atmospheres, neglecting light scattering effects, and most computer-vision systems have not enjoyed success when deployed in uncontrolled outdoor environments. Nevertheless, scattering is a fundamental aspect of light transport in a wide range of applications, whether simulating it or interpreting it, from medical imaging to driving simulators or underwater imagery. This course addresses the challenges that arise with light scattering in computer graphics and computer vision. Topics include: appearance modeling, underwater imagery, vision in bad weather, and measurement techniques.
Level: Intermediate