“Scalable laplacian eigenfluids” by Cui, Sen and Kim

  • ©Qiaodong Cui, Pradeep Sen, and Theodore Kim



Entry Number: 87


    Scalable laplacian eigenfluids

Session/Category Title:   Fluids 1: Raiders of the Lost Volume




    The Laplacian Eigenfunction method for fluid simulation, which we refer to as Eigenfluids, introduced an elegant new way to capture intricate fluid flows with near-zero viscosity. However, the approach does not scale well, as the memory cost grows prohibitively with the number of eigenfunctions. The method also lacks generality, because the dynamics are constrained to a closed box with Dirichlet boundaries, while open, Neumann boundaries are also needed in most practical scenarios. To address these limitations, we present a set of analytic eigenfunctions that supports uniform Neumann and Dirichlet conditions along each domain boundary, and show that by carefully applying the discrete sine and cosine transforms, the storage costs of the eigenfunctions can be made completely negligible. The resulting algorithm is both faster and more memory-efficient than previous approaches, and able to achieve lower viscosities than similar pseudo-spectral methods. We are able to surpass the scalability of the original Laplacian Eigenfunction approach by over two orders of magnitude when simulating rectangular domains. Finally, we show that the formulation allows forward scattering to be directed in a way that is not possible with any other method.


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