“Scalable image-based indoor scene rendering with reflections” by Xu, Wu, Zu, Huang, Yang, et al. …

  • ©Jiamin Xu, Xiuchao Wu, Zihan Zu, Qixing Huang, Yin Yang, Hujun Bao, and Weiwei Xu




    Scalable image-based indoor scene rendering with reflections



    This paper proposes a novel scalable image-based rendering (IBR) pipeline for indoor scenes with reflections. We make substantial progress towards three sub-problems in IBR, namely, depth and reflection reconstruction, view selection for temporally coherent view-warping, and smooth rendering refinements. First, we introduce a global-mesh-guided alternating optimization algorithm that robustly extracts a two-layer geometric representation. The front and back layers encode the RGB-D reconstruction and the reflection reconstruction, respectively. This representation minimizes the image composition error under novel views, enabling accurate renderings of reflections. Second, we introduce a novel approach to select adjacent views and compute blending weights for smooth and temporal coherent renderings. The third contribution is a supersampling network with a motion vector rectification module that refines the rendering results to improve the final output’s temporal coherence. These three contributions together lead to a novel system that produces highly realistic rendering results with various reflections. The rendering quality outperforms state-of-the-art IBR or neural rendering algorithms considerably.


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