“Reusable motion synthesis using state-space controllers” by Panne, Fiume and Vranesic

  • ©Michiel van de Panne, Eugene Fiume, and Zvonko Vranesic




    Reusable motion synthesis using state-space controllers

Session/Category Title:   Animation




    The use of physically-based techniques for computer animation can result in realistic object motion. The price paid for physically-based motion synthesis lies in increased computation and information requirements.1 We introduce a new approach to realistic motion specification based on state-space controllers. A user specifies a motion by defining a goal in terms of a set of destination states. A state-space controller is then constructed, which provides an optimal-control solution that guides the object from an arbitrary starting configuration to a goal. Motions are optimized with respect to time and control energy. Becasue controllers are specified in terms of destination states only, it is easy to reuse the same controller to produce different motions (from different starting states), or to create a complex sequence of motions by concatenating several controllers. An implementation of state-space controllers is presented, in which realistic motions can be produced in real time. Several examples will be considered.


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