“Real-time relief mapping on arbitrary polygonal surfaces” by Policarpo, Oliveira and Comba
- Real-time relief mapping on arbitrary polygonal surfaces
We present a technique for mapping relief textures onto arbitrary polygonal models in real time, producing correct self-occlusions, interpenetrations, shadows and per-pixel lighting. The technique uses a pixel-driven formulation based on an efficient ray-height-field intersection implemented on the GPU. It has very low memory requirements, supports extreme close-up views of the surfaces and can be applicable to surfaces undergoing deformation.
1. Policarpo, F., Oliveira, M. M., and Comba, J. 2005. Real-time relief mapping on arbitrary polygonal surfaces. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2005, ACM Press, ACM, 155–162. Google ScholarDigital Library