“Real-time, all-frequency shadows in dynamic scenes” by Dong, Annen, Mertens, Bekaert, Seidel, et al. …

  • ©Zhao Dong, Thomas Annen, Tom Mertens, Philippe Bekaert, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Jan Kautz




    Real-time, all-frequency shadows in dynamic scenes



    Shadow computation in dynamic scenes under complex illumination is a challenging problem. Methods based on precomputation provide accurate, real-time solutions, but are hard to extend to dynamic scenes. Specialized approaches for soft shadows can deal with dynamic objects but are not fast enough to handle more than one light source. In this paper, we present a technique for rendering dynamic objects under arbitrary environment illumination, which does not require any precomputation. The key ingredient is a fast, approximate technique for computing soft shadows, which achieves several hundred frames per second for a single light source. This allows for approximating environment illumination with a sparse collection of area light sources and yields real-time frame rates.


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