“Rapid design of articulated objects” by Lee, Kim and Bae

  • ©Joon Hyub Lee, Hanbit Kim, and Seok-Hyung Bae




    Rapid design of articulated objects



    Designing articulated objects is challenging because, unlike with static objects, it requires complex decisions to be made regarding the form, parts, rig, poses, and motion. We present a novel 3D sketching system for rapidly authoring concepts of articulated objects for the early stages of design, when designers make such decisions. Compared to existing CAD software, which focuses on slowly but elaborately producing models consisting of precise surfaces and volumes, our system focuses on quickly but roughly producing models consisting of key curves through a small set of coherent pen and multi-touch gestures. We found that professional designers could easily learn and use our system and author compelling concepts in a short time, showing that 3D sketching can be extended to designing articulated objects and is generally applicable in film, animation, game, and product design.


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