“Rapid deployment of curved surfaces via programmable auxetics” by Konaković-Luković, Panetta, Crane and Pauly

  • ©Mina Konaković-Luković, Julian Panetta, Keenan Crane, and Mark Pauly



Entry Number: 106


    Rapid deployment of curved surfaces via programmable auxetics

Session/Category Title:   Flattening, Unflattening and Sampling




    Deployable structures are physical mechanisms that can easily transition between two or more geometric configurations; such structures enable industrial, scientific, and consumer applications at a wide variety of scales. This paper develops novel deployable structures that can approximate a large class of doubly-curved surfaces and are easily actuated from a flat initial state via inflation or gravitational loading. The structures are based on two-dimensional rigid mechanical linkages that implicitly encode the curvature of the target shape via a user-programmable pattern that permits locally isotropic scaling under load. We explicitly characterize the shapes that can be realized by such structures—in particular, we show that they can approximate target surfaces of positive mean curvature and bounded scale distortion relative to a given reference domain. Based on this observation, we develop efficient computational design algorithms for approximating a given input geometry. The resulting designs can be rapidly manufactured via digital fabrication technologies such as laser cutting, CNC milling, or 3D printing. We validate our approach through a series of physical prototypes and present several application case studies, ranging from surgical implants to large-scale deployable architecture.


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