“Quantitative representation of face expression using motion capture system” by Yanagisawa, Maejima, Yotsukura and Morishima

  • ©Hiroyuki Yanagisawa, Akinobu Maejima, Tatsuo Yotsukura, and Shigeo Morishima

  • ©Hiroyuki Yanagisawa, Akinobu Maejima, Tatsuo Yotsukura, and Shigeo Morishima




    Quantitative representation of face expression using motion capture system



    In this paper, we propose a new synthesis method for facial expression movie. The facial expression synthesis method has been proposed in many researchers. In previous research, [Ekman and Friesen, 1977] have proposed Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and anatomically categorized the facial expressions as 44 basic action units (AUs). Facial expression is generated by linear combination of AUs. However, AUs are psychological approach and are not quantified engineered. Also, [Blanz and Vetter, 1999] have proposed reconstruction and facial animation method from still image to 3-D face model using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).


    1. P. Ekman and W. Friesen. 1977. Facial Action Coding System. Consulting Psychologists Press.
    2. V. Blanz and T. Vetter. 1999. A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces. In SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings, 187–194

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