“Progressive inter-scale and intra-scale non-blind image deconvolution” by Yuan, Sun, Quan and Shum

  • ©Lu Yuan, Jian Sun, Long Quan, and Heung-Yeung Shum




    Progressive inter-scale and intra-scale non-blind image deconvolution



    Ringing is the most disturbing artifact in the image deconvolution. In this paper, we present a progressive inter-scale and intra-scale non-blind image deconvolution approach that significantly reduces ringing. Our approach is built on a novel edge-preserving deconvolution algorithm called bilateral Richardson-Lucy (BRL) which uses a large spatial support to handle large blur. We progressively recover the image from a coarse scale to a fine scale (inter-scale), and progressively restore image details within every scale (intra-scale). To perform the inter-scale deconvolution, we propose a joint bilateral Richardson-Lucy (JBRL) algorithm so that the recovered image in one scale can guide the deconvolution in the next scale. In each scale, we propose an iterative residual deconvolution to progressively recover image details. The experimental results show that our progressive deconvolution can produce images with very little ringing for large blur kernels.


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