“Predictive-corrective incompressible SPH” by Solenthaler and Pajarola

  • ©Barbara Solenthaler and Renato Pajarola




    Predictive-corrective incompressible SPH



    We present a novel, incompressible fluid simulation method based on the Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model. In our method, incompressibility is enforced by using a prediction-correction scheme to determine the particle pressures. For this, the information about density fluctuations is actively propagated through the fluid and pressure values are updated until the targeted density is satisfied. With this approach, we avoid the computational expenses of solving a pressure Poisson equation, while still being able to use large time steps in the simulation. The achieved results show that our predictive-corrective incompressible SPH (PCISPH) method clearly outperforms the commonly used weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH) model by more than an order of magnitude while the computations are in good agreement with the WCSPH results.


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