“Poly-Spline Finite Element Method” by Schneider, Dumas, Gao, Botsch, Panozzo, et al. …

  • ©Teseo Schneider, Jérémie Dumas, Xifeng Gao, Mario Botsch, Daniele Panozzo, and Denis Zorin




    Poly-Spline Finite Element Method

Session/Category Title:   Deformation and FEM



    We introduce an integrated meshing and finite-element method pipeline enabling solution of partial differential equations in the volume enclosed by a boundary representation. We construct a hybrid hexahedral-dominant mesh, which contains a small number of star-shaped polyhedra, and build a set of high-order bases on its elements, combining triquadratic B-splines, triquadratic hexahedra, and harmonic elements. We demonstrate that our approach converges cubically under refinement, while requiring around 50% of the degrees of freedom than a similarly dense hexahedral mesh composed of triquadratic hexahedra. We validate our approach solving Poisson’s equation on a large collection of models, which are automatically processed by our algorithm, only requiring the user to provide boundary conditions on their surface.


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