“PixelFlow: high-speed rendering using image composition” by Molnar, Eyles and Poulton
- PixelFlow: high-speed rendering using image composition
No abstract available.
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15. Fuchs, H., J. Poulton, J. Eyles, T. Greer, J. Goldfeather, D. Ellsworth, S. Molnar, G. Turk, B. Tebbs, and L. Israel, “PixeI-Planes 5: A Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Graphics System Using Processor-Enhanced Memories,” SIGGRAPH ’89, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 79-88.
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21. Molnar, S.E., “Combining Z-buffer Engines for Higher-Speed Rendering,” Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 111, Eurographics Seminars, 1988, pp. 171-182.
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25. Potmesil, M., and E. Hoffert, “The Pixel Machine: A Parallel Image Computer,” SIGGRAPH ’89, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 69-78.
26. Poulton, J., H. Fuchs, and A. Paeth, “Pixel-planes graphic engine,” Section 9.5 in Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A System Perspective, by Neil Weste and Kamran Eshrahian, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1985, pp. 448-480.
27. Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Vision Graphics System Architecture, Mountain View, CA 94039- 7311, February 1990.
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