“Physics-based full-body soccer motion control for dribbling and shooting” by Hong, Han, Cho, Shin and Noh
- Physics-based full-body soccer motion control for dribbling and shooting
Session/Category Title: Learning to Move
Playing with a soccer ball is not easy even for a real human because of dynamic foot contacts with the moving ball while chasing and controlling it. The problem of online full-body soccer motion synthesis is challenging and has not been fully solved yet. In this paper, we present a novel motion control system that produces physically-correct full-body soccer motions: dribbling forward, dribbling to the side, and shooting, in response to an online user motion prescription specified by a motion type, a running speed, and a turning angle. This system performs two tightly-coupled tasks: data-driven motion prediction and physics-based motion synthesis. Given example motion data, the former synthesizes a reference motion in accordance with an online user input and further refines the motion to make the character kick the ball at a right time and place. Provided with the reference motion, the latter then adopts a Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework to generate a physically-correct soccer motion, by solving an optimal control problem that is formulated based on dynamics for a full-body character and the moving ball together with their interactions. Our demonstration shows the effectiveness of the proposed system that synthesizes convincing full-body soccer motions in various scenarios such as adjusting the desired running speed of the character, changing the velocity and the mass of the ball, and maintaining balance against external forces.
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