“Photorealistic facial reconstruction of Ramses II for virtual sets” by Danjou, Masunaga, Tateishi, Uchiyama, Kasahara, et al. …

  • ©Makoto Danjou, Yuko Masunaga, Ayako Tateishi, Hiroko Uchiyama, Hiraku Kasahara, Sakuji Yoshimura, Tomohito Nagaoka, and Masa Inakage

  • ©Makoto Danjou, Yuko Masunaga, Ayako Tateishi, Hiroko Uchiyama, Hiraku Kasahara, Sakuji Yoshimura, Tomohito Nagaoka, and Masa Inakage




    Photorealistic facial reconstruction of Ramses II for virtual sets



    This paper presents a facial reconstruction and photorealistic visualization technique of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II. G. Attardi et al. [1] have reconstructed a three dimensional computer graphics facial model from computerized tomography data. K. Kahler et al. [2] have successfully visualized a facial expression model made from facial expression muscles. We obtained x-ray photographs capturing the cranial bones of Ramses II from Professor Faure, who headed the x-ray photography of Ramses II. Our facial reconstruction process is based on the x-ray photographs. In addition, we have made photorealistic visualization of Ramses II using subsurface scattering technique to capture the complex reflection model of the skin. Furthermore, we used the rendering results in Virtual Sets of a television program.


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    3. Seta, S. and Yoshino, M., Hakkotsu-Shitai no Kantei. (Identification of Human Skeletal Remains), Reibunsha, 1990, pp.341–344 (in Japanese)
    4. Wilkinson, C., Forensic Facial Reconstruction, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp125–141
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©Makoto Danjou, Yuko Masunaga, Ayako Tateishi, Hiroko Uchiyama, Hiraku Kasahara, Sakuji Yoshimura, Tomohito Nagaoka, and Masa Inakage ©Makoto Danjou, Yuko Masunaga, Ayako Tateishi, Hiroko Uchiyama, Hiraku Kasahara, Sakuji Yoshimura, Tomohito Nagaoka, and Masa Inakage

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