“Online modeling for realtime facial animation” by Bouaziz, Wang and Pauly

  • ©Sofien Bouaziz, Yangang Wang, and Mark Pauly




    Online modeling for realtime facial animation

Session/Category Title:   Faces & Hands




    We present a new algorithm for realtime face tracking on commodity RGB-D sensing devices. Our method requires no user-specific training or calibration, or any other form of manual assistance, thus enabling a range of new applications in performance-based facial animation and virtual interaction at the consumer level. The key novelty of our approach is an optimization algorithm that jointly solves for a detailed 3D expression model of the user and the corresponding dynamic tracking parameters. Realtime performance and robust computations are facilitated by a novel subspace parameterization of the dynamic facial expression space. We provide a detailed evaluation that shows that our approach significantly simplifies the performance capture workflow, while achieving accurate facial tracking for realtime applications.


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