“On High-Level Programming Systems for Structured Display Programming” by Giloi

  • ©Wolfgang K. Giloi




    On High-Level Programming Systems for Structured Display Programming

Session/Category Title:   Graphics Languages Session




    The main topic of the paper is to introduce a concept for structured display programming in interactive computer graphics and to discuss the suitability of FORTRAN, ALGOL, PL/I, and APL as the host language for such a programming system. To this end, the interrelationship between picture structures, data structures, and language structures is first established. Based on the obtained conclusions, a model language for interactive display programming (GRIP) is introduced. The suitability of the above mentioned languages is discussed, and experiences with the implementation of the GRIP philosophy in some of these languages are communicated.


    1. Meads, J., A terminal control system, Proc. of the IFIP Working Conf. on Graphic Languages, North Holland Publ. Co. (1972), 271-290.
    2. Scoop, K., The design and use of a PL/I based graphic programming language, ONLINE 72, vol. 2, 601-615.
    3. Hurwitz, A., Citron, J. P., and Yeaton, J. B., GRAF: Graphic Addition to FORTRAN, Proc. AFIPS SJCC 1967, 553-557.
    4. Kay, A. C., FLEX – A Flexible Extendable Language, Computer Science Technical Report 4-7, Univ. of Utah (June, 1968).
    5. Giloi, W. K., Encarnacao, J. and Kestner, W., APLG -APL extended for Graphics, ONLINE 72, vol. 2, 579-599.
    6. Shaw, A. C., A formal picture description scheme as a basis for picture processing systems, Inf. & Control 14, 1 (1969), 938-947.
    7. Johnson, C. I., Principles of interactive systems, IBM Systems Journal, 7, 314 (1968), 147-174.
    8. Knuth, D. E., Structured programming with GOTO statements, Stanford Univ. Tech. Report STAN-CS-74-416 (May, 1974).
    9. Dijkstra E., The humble programmer, CACM 15, 10 (1972), 859-866.
    10. Messer, D., GRAP 3.0, Preliminary User’s Manual; Dept. of Computer, Information and Control Science, University of Minnesota (1975).
    11. Giloi, W. K., Encarnacao, J., APLG- An APL based system for interactive computer graphics,Proc. AFIPS 1974 NCC, 521-528.

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