“Occlusion culling in Alan Wake” by Silvennoinen, Soininen, Mäki and Tervo

  • ©Ari Silvennoinen, Teppo Soininen, Markus Mäki, and Olli Tervo




    Occlusion culling in Alan Wake



    The combination of large outdoor environments and dynamic, shadow casting light sources posed a rendering performance challenge Remedy had to tackle during the production of Alan Wake.


    1. Aila, T., and Miettinen, V. 2004. dpvs: An occlusion culling system for massive dynamic environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24, 2, 86–97.
    2. Bittner, J., Wimmer, M., Piringer, H., and Purgathofer, W. 2004. Coherent hierarchical culling: Hardware occlusion queries made useful. Computer Graphics Forum 23, 3, 615–624.
    3. Bittner, J., Mattausch, O., Silvennoinen, A., and Wimmer, M. 2011. Shadow caster culling for efficient shadow mapping. In Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, ACM, New York, NY, USA, I3D ’11, 81–88.
    4. Guthe, M., Balázs, Á., and Klein, R. 2006. Near optimal hierarchical culling: Performance driven use of hardware occlusion queries. In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2006, The Eurographics Association, T. Akenine-Möller and W. Heidrich, Eds.

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