“NPR Gabor noise for coherent stylization” by Bénard, Lagae, Vangorp, Lefebvre, Drettakis, et al. …
- NPR Gabor noise for coherent stylization
Session/Category Title: Fun In Flatland
Stylized rendering algorithms, which aim at depicting 3D animated scenes with a pattern (i.e., watercolor pigments, strokes, paper grain, etc.), are facing the temporal coherence problem. To achieve successful temporal coherent stylization three constraints must be fulfilled: flatness (2D impression of the style), coherent motion (high correlation between the 3D motion field and the motion of the pattern) and temporal continuity (minimal changes from frame to frame). The conflicting nature of these goals implies that any solution to this problem is necessarily a compromise.
1. Bousseau, A., Kaplan, M., Thollot, J., and Sillion, F. 2006. Interactive watercolor rendering with temporal coherence and abstraction. In Proc. NPAR ’06, 141–149.
2. Kaplan, M., and Cohen, E. 2005. A generative model for dynamic canvas motion. In Proc. CAe ’05, 49–56.
3. Lagae, A., Lefebvre, S., Drettakis, G., and Dutré, P. 2009. Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution. ACM Trans. Graphics 28, 3, 54:1–54:10.