“Multimedia Browser Controlled by Head Movements” by Kosikowski, Dalka and Czyzewski

  • ©Lukasz Kosikowski, Piotr Dalka, and Andrzej Czyzewski

  • ©Lukasz Kosikowski, Piotr Dalka, and Andrzej Czyzewski




    Multimedia Browser Controlled by Head Movements



    A contactless multimedia content browser for personal computers is presented, where the user browses data using movements of his/her head only.

    The presented solution supports browsing static images, videos and music clips can be browsed subsequently and zoomed on demand. Video clips can be viewed and paused. Additionally, a user may fast-forward or rewind the content. The same functionality applies to listening audio files.

    Multimedia files are arranged in a multi-level, hierarchical structure. A user navigates through the structure and displays an element by moving the head up, down, left and right. Keeping the head in a tilted position for the longer time is also recognized. An action executed in the system depends on the type of the content a user is viewing (e.g. moving the head to the right selects the next picture or allows for fast-forwarding audio files). The content for the multimedia browser is chosen and organized with a separate configuration application that was also developed within the framework of the project.

    The application is especially suitable to standalone, multimedia terminals where users may get acquainted with a company or a store offer in the fast and convenient way. The application may also be used by disabled people.


    1. VIOLA P., JONES M., 2001, Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features, IEEE CVPR.

    2. DALKA P., CZYZEWSKI A., 2009, LipMouse – a novel multimodal human-computer interaction interface, SIGGRAPH.

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©Lukasz Kosikowski, Piotr Dalka, and Andrzej Czyzewski ©Lukasz Kosikowski, Piotr Dalka, and Andrzej Czyzewski

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