“Multi-level direction of autonomous creatures for real-time virtual environments” by Blumberg and Galyean

  • ©Bruce M. Blumberg and Tinsley Galyean




    Multi-level direction of autonomous creatures for real-time virtual environments



    There have been several recent efforts to build behavior-based autonomous creatures. While competent autonomous action is highly desirable, there is an important need to integrate autonomy with “directability”. In this paper we discuss the problem of building autonomous animated creatures for interactive virtual environments which are also capable of being directed at multiple levels. We present an approach to control which allows an external entity to “direct” an autonomous creature at the motivational level, the task level, and the direct motor level. We also detail a layered architecture and a general behavioral model for perception and action-selection which incorporates explicit support for multi-level direction. These ideas have been implemented and used to develop several autonomous animated creatures.


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