“Modeling 3D Urban Spaces Using Procedural and Simulation-Based Techniques” by Wonka, Aliaga, Müller and Vanegas

  • ©Peter Wonka, Daniel G. Aliaga, Pascal Müller, and Carlos Vanegas



Entry Number: 13


    Modeling 3D Urban Spaces Using Procedural and Simulation-Based Techniques

Course Organizer(s):



    Knowledge of basic computer graphics, such as triangle meshes, hierarchical data structures, texture mapping and ray tracing, and procedural modeling techniques such as particle and L-systems.

    Who Should Attend
    Users and researchers of computer graphics modeling tools for creating 3D digital content.  

    This course presents the state-of-the-art in urban modeling, including the modeling of  urban layouts, architecture, image-based buildings and façades, and urban simulation and  visualization. Digital content creation is a significant challenge in many applications of  computer graphics. This course will explain procedural modeling techniques for urban  environments as an important complement to traditional modeling software. Attendees of  this course will learn procedural techniques to efficiently create highly detailed three-dimensional urban models.

    The course is planned as a half-day course, and assumes knowledge of basic computer  graphics topics, such as triangle meshes, hierarchical data structures, texture mapping and  ray tracing, as well as basic knowledge of procedural modeling techniques such as particle  and L-systems. The course will first cover fundamental topics in urban modeling, including  urban layouts and road modeling, image-based modeling of facades and buildings, and  grammar-based procedural modeling of buildings. Then, it will discuss recent works on  simulation-based techniques for urban modeling, planning, and visualization, followed by  the use of urban modeling methods in industry.    

Overview Page: