“Melton and mustaches: the character art and shot lighting pipelines of the order: 1886”

  • ©Nathan Phail-Liff and Scot Andreason

  • ©Nathan Phail-Liff and Scot Andreason



Entry Number: 62


    Melton and mustaches: the character art and shot lighting pipelines of the order: 1886



    The character art pipeline on The Order: 1886 was built to maximize the reuse of as much high quality, meticulously crafted content across as diverse a cast of characters as possible. Some of the methods put in place to achieve these goals included a hybrid head scanning and conceptual characterization process, textile 3d scanning a library of detailed, tiling materials to rapidly surface period accurate costumes, and efficient workflow techniques for styling, shading, and simulating diverse hair types. A film-style shot lighting system was also implemented for use in real-time cinematics, allowing performance optimized dynamic lighting that could be quickly custom tailored to each camera cut in the game.


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