“Mapping normal vectors and colors onto kaleidogram” by Kawai, Suzuki and Ohata
- Mapping normal vectors and colors onto kaleidogram
We propose a new method for enriching the appearances of gratings called Kaleidogram® without recording diffraction fringes. Kaleidogram [KALEIDO] is an embossed hologram that consists of multiple gratings of which grating elements elongate to the orientation of an individual piece of the original design. Each piece causes iridescence, reacting to the lighting and viewing condition as shown in Figure 1. This characteristic makes Kaleidogram useful for brand identifications and security purposes. While Kaleidogram is bright and low-priced, the expression is limited to two-dimensional motifs.
1. Kaleido. http://www.dnp.co.jp/bf/hologram/
2. Kawai, N. 2005. Bump Mapping onto Real Objects. ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches.