“Making Visible the Invisible: A Data-Driven Media Artwork, in Continuous Operation for 14 Years” by Legrady and Hoetzlein

  • ©George Legrady and Rama C. Hoetzlein

  • ©George Legrady and Rama C. Hoetzlein

  • ©George Legrady and Rama C. Hoetzlein




    Making Visible the Invisible: A Data-Driven Media Artwork, in Continuous Operation for 14 Years



    Making Visible the Invisible is a six-screen, dynamic data visualization artwork at the Seattle Public Library. It visualizes patrons’ library checkouts received by the hour through four different animations to give a sense of community interests. The artwork was activated in September 2005 for a 10-year operation and was extended until 2019. As one of the longest-running media arts projects based on live, continuous data, the work has presented significant challenges regarding robustness and durability over time. We review the motivation, design of the system, backup plan, maintenance and novel strategies for a decades-long media artwork.


    1. G. Legrady, “Culture, Data and Algorithmic Organization,” Leonardo 45, No. 3, 286 (2012).
    2. G. Legrady, “Making Visible the Invisible: Seattle Library Data Flow Visualization,” Digital Culture and Heritage, Proceedings of ICHIM05, Paris (2005).
    3. G. Legrady and A. Forbes, “Data in Context: Conceptualizing Site-Specific Visualization Projects,” Leonardo 50, No. 2, 200–204 (2017).
    4. G. Legrady and A. Forbes, “Staging Data Visualization Installations in Site-Specific Situations,” Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Arts Program, 9–14 November 2014, 85 (2014).
    5. R. Hoetzlein and D. Schwartz, “GameX: A Platform for Incremental Instruction in Computer Graphics and Game Design,” ACM SIGGRAPH Educators Program, Los Angeles, CA (2005). Additional info: gdiac.cis.cornell.edu/resources/GameX/index.htm.
    6. A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt, “A Systematic Review of Software Robustness,” Information and Software Technology 55, No. 1, 1–17 (2013).
    7. A.K. Ghosh and J.M. Voas, “Inoculating Software for Survivability,” Communications of the ACM 42 (1999) pp. 38–44.

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©George Legrady and Rama C. Hoetzlein ©George Legrady and Rama C. Hoetzlein

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